Abhyanga - Full Body Oil Massage


Abhyanga is traditional Ayurvedic massage therapy, involving the application of warm, herb-infused, dosha-specific oil all over the body through long repetitive friction-based massage strokes strokes on the limbs and circular strokes on the joints. As the oil penetrates the skin and tissues, it loosens toxins at a cellular level. This style of massage is deeply relaxing and rejuvenating. It balances the doshas, in particular Vata dosha, promotes circulation, boosts immune system function, and creates deep relaxation in the mind and body.


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Ayurveda explains that disease is caused by a build-up of toxins (Ama) in the body which is caused by an imbalance of Doshas and impairment of our digestive fire (Agni) in the body. Abhyanga helps to balance the Doshas, nourish our bodily tissues (Dhatus), and remove toxins (Ama) from the body. The warm oil penetrates through our skin to soften and loosen toxins stored in our joints, muscles, and organs. Toxins that are loosened through Oleation can then travel freely through the circulatory system to the GI tract, where they are released from the body. Regular Abhyanga massage can therefore prevent the build-up of toxins in our bodies, helping our bodies stay healthy and disease-free. It is recommended that people do their own abhyanga at home daily as a routine to maintain good health.

Abhyanga is given with warm oils in long repetitive strokes on the limbs and circular strokes on the joints. The repetitive strokes create heat, enable deeper absorption of the oil and elicit a deep sense of grounding, relaxation, and calm as Vata dosha is pacified.


  • Detoxification at all physical, mental and emotional levels

  • Remove excess toxins (ama)

  • Improve blood circulation

  • Enhance immunity

  • Ground and relax the nervous system

  • Aid in digestion

  • Stimulates the internal organs of the body

  • Increase longevity while decreasing the effects of aging

  • Drain lymph 

  • Nourish the body, tone the skin, and bring a natural glow

  • Mental and physical stability

  • Muscle and joint pain relief

  • Calms anxiety or any vata-related symptoms

  • Relieve stress and tension

  • Pacifies Vata especially and also helps balance Pitta and Kapha

Oils for this treatment are chosen based on the client's condition and are assessed by the therapist.

Abhyanga pairs well with Mukha abhyanga (face massage), Shiro Abhyanga (head massage), Shirodhara (oil pouring head treatment), Hrid Basti (Heart treatment) or any pain management therapy.


Abhyanga Oil Massage is not recommended under the following conditions:

  • Indigestion, low Agni (digestive power)

  • Acute fever, cold, cough, mucous problems

  • Inflammations, high blood pressure

  • Bleeding wounds, burns.

  • Menstruating women


A shorter version of this treatment can be given to children above the age of 5. A family member must be present in the treatment room. For children younger than 5, the family must administer it at home as a daily ritual. 


A home version of Abhyanga may be practiced daily for ongoing self-care. Ksheerabala Oil can be used safely by people of all doshic consitutuons.


"Akanksha’s hands are strong and skilful and I could feel the benefit of her knowledge and care right from the start of my treatment. The whole process was deeply relaxing but also unlocked a lot of energy as it brought me back to my centre.

There is profound healing in this work and I’d recommend it to anyone who needs rebalancing and wants to get more in touch with themselves. Many thanks, Akanksha!"

— MS LINDA FRANCE, Best Selling Author


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Basically, abhyanga is applying warm oil to the body. Even though it is referred to as a massage, that is not exactly correct. The purpose of a traditional massage is to manually manipulate the muscles while an abhyanga has a very different purpose which is to get the oil into the body through the skin. Oil is used in an ordinary massage to reduce friction—to provide “glide” when working the muscles. But with an abhyanga, the oil is the main point of the massage. The oil is applied and rubbed into the skin to absorb it and nourish and cleanse the tissues of built-up toxins.

    The techniques used are quite different from the usual Swedish, deep tissue, or sports massage. As the aim of Abhyanga is to ensure maximum absorption of the oil, you should not expect a therapist to apply deep pressure to break down the ‘knots’.

  • Abhyanga should not be received if you are suffering from indigestion, low Agni (digestive power), acute fever, cold or mucous problems. It is also contra-indicated if Pitta is very high such as in cases of inflammation, high blood pressure, bleeding, burns. etc.

  • Abhyanga warms up the body and increases blood circulation. It can therefore increase the blood flow during your period. If you have a heavy menstrual flow, you should avoid receiving a full body Abhyanga as it may make your flow even heavier. During this time, you can go for localised massages such as Shirobhyanga (head massage) or Mukhobhyanga (face massage). If your menstrual flow tends not to be too heavy, then you can receive a full-body Abhyanga.

  • Absolutely! To receive the most benefit I recommend getting regular treatments. Weekly massage is highly recommended.

  • Most massages require you to lie supine and prone. Lying prone is not comfortable on a full tummy. It is therefore best not to eat 2 hours beforehand (especially heavy meals).

    However, if you are very hungry, it’s better to have a small snack so that you aren’t distracted by a hungry tummy during your treatment.

  • Always arrive at least 10-15 minutes early so that you can check in and relax before your treatment. If having an Ayurvedic Massage you will be massaged with special herbs and oils, so it is best not to wear perfume, heavy aftershave, or strongly scented lotions that might interfere with the treatment. Ideally, make-up should also be removed prior to the treatment.

  • Please wear something comfortable, but in the case of an Oil Massage, I suggest that you don’t wear expensive clothing that could get stained. I can provide you with single-use underwear for body treatments (you are welcome to wear your own underwear but please be advised that it may become stained with oil). In order to preserve your modesty at all times, the technique of draping is used at all times where only the body part being worked on is exposed.

  • You can wash the oil from your body and hair but it is recommended to leave it on and let your body absorb it. Showering before bedtime is fine as it allows oils to get absorbed fully. When you shower, avoid using soap on the body but you can use shampoo to remove the oil from your hair if it bothers you.

    It is recommended to take rest after the treatment to allow the body to process the benefits of the massage. Eat a simple and easy-to-digest meal such as Khichdi, rice, and lentils or soup, and spend time relaxing with loved ones. Item description

  • At this time, I do not offer this treatment for clients that are pregnant.

  • Yes, it is important for me to be fully aware of all your current medical conditions, including pregnancy or suspected pregnancy, because in some cases massage therapy is contraindicated. Please advise me prior to booking a treatment if you are currently experiencing any of the following:

    Infectious skin condition or skin condition with itching, oozing, redness or hives; scalp infection/dandruff; open cut or wound; severe bruising; high temperature or fever; cold or flu virus/cough; hyperacidity; gout; auto-immune disorder; diabetes (Type 1); severe circulatory disorder; heart condition; epilepsy; thrombosis or embolism; recent injury/surgery; recent scar tissue.

  • A shorter version of this treatment can be given to children above the age of 5. A family member must be present in the treatment room. For children younger than 5, the family must administer it at home as a daily ritual. 

  • Simple answer; no… absolutely not (so please don’t embarrass yourself by asking).